
Manual of Theology, First Part: A Treatise on Christian Doctrine is unavailable, but you can change that!

John L. Dagg’s Manual of Theology is divided into two volumes: the first a treatise on Christian doctrine; the second, on Church Order. This first volume presents the system of Christian doctrine in the following chapters: • Study of Religious Truth • Doctrine Concerning God • Doctrine Concerning the Will and Works of God • Doctrine Concerning the Fall and Present State of Man •...

JESUS CHRIST WAS A MAN.1 The manner of Christ’s conception was peculiar. Without a human father, he was conceived in the womb of his virgin mother, by the power of the Holy Ghost. How far the son of Mary, conceived in this peculiar manner, resembled the sons born of other mothers, in the ordinary mode of generation, and how far he differed from them, we cannot certainly know from the circumstances of his conception. The divine power, which formed
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